There has been some confusion about the electric bill in April’s statement. Due to bad weather and heavy snowfall which made walking through lots dangerous, most meters did not get read in January. As this is something that hasn’t happened before, the board is asking for everyone’s patience and understanding as we work together on this.

To help: electric from Sept-Nov is on December statement. Nov-Jan is on February statement. And lastly, Jan-Mar is on April’s statement.

April statements’ electric says Jan-Mar.  This is because it is standard wording. For some lots that didn’t get read in January, the electric is actually from Nov-Mar.

If you had a reading on February’s statement look at the end electric reading. It should match the beginning reading on April’s statement.

If you did not have an elecric reading in February, then go back to December’s statement. The end reading should match the beginning reading on April’s statement.

If these numbers do not match, or any other questions please contact office with lot numbers and yours will be looked into.

Thanks everyone as we work though this together.

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